GrowthXP Neo

Enhanced visualisation of neonatal parameters with Electronic Health Record integration

Product brochures

GrowthXP Neo ENG

GrowthXP Neo FR

Built upon PC PAL’s internationally recognised child growth and development chart engine,  GrowthXP Neo allows users to visualise important parameters to track the progress of neonates and support their care.

Patient data can be plotted on charts for growth and bilirubin covering the neonatal period.

GrowthXP Neo is built for integration and offers numerous data connection options. This avoids duplicate data entry by using the data of the host system. It is also compliant with the FHIR international standard, and can connect to any FHIR server, making it compatible with virtually all the major systems in global use.

Bilirubin Monitoring

GrowthXP Neo aids monitoring and facilitates interpretation of bilirubin level.

    • Target values based on hyperbilirubinaemia management guidelines.
    • Screening cut-offs for total serum bilirubin (TSB) and transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB).
    • Thresholds for phototherapy and exchange transfusion adjusted for gestational age at birth.
    • Customisation based on different national guidelines.

Hyperbilirubinaemia risk calculation

Guidelines identify risk factors for the development for significant hyperbilirubinaemia

GrowthXP Neo categorises the risk level based on data already entered in the patient record

Growth charts for premature babies

GrowthXP Neo charts show progress from 22 – 42 weeks gestation and birth data

  • Includes height, weight and head circumference
  • Monitoring neonates from 22 weeks aids identification of children born small for dates
  • Follow growth during the first few weeks of life

National and international references are present, including Fenton and Intergrowth

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